Frequently asked questions

30 day money-back guarantee

If you’re looking to return or exchange your order because it did not live up to your expectations, don't sweat it!. We offer returns or exchanges within 30 days after purchase!

What is your return policy?

  • To receive a full refund, your item must be sent back in its original packaging and must not show signs of use (items that are not in their original packaging or show signs of use will NOT be accepted).
  • Refunds to credit cards and PayPal will incur a $5 deduction per item to cover restocking costs unless the item is damaged upon arrival.
  • Refunds will be processed once items are received by us and we approve of the condition.
  • Unfortunately, we do not accept returns or exchanges for international orders or gift cards.

What is your exchange policy?

Received your product and not particularly happy with the size or colour? Not a problem, simply send the unused product back to us in the original packaging for a refund and place a new order at Product return must be initiated within 30 days of purchase, and customers are responsible for a $5 restocking fee per item unless the item is damaged or defective upon arrival.


    Where do you ship to and what are your rates?

    Shipping within Australia

    FREE shipping (spend over $75): 4-7 business days

    Standard shipping (under $75) $9.99:  7-14 business days

    Shipping Internationally (U.S, UK, Canada, NZ, Europe)

    International Priority (spend over $75) FREE: 4-7 business days

    Standard shipping (under $75) $14.99:  10-15 business days

    - International shipments may incur additional tax/duties charges upon delivery, we do not determine these fees

    *Please Note: Due to COVID-19 all shipping rates have been increased and may incur some delays. We are very sorry for the longer shipping times, however it is out of our control. Rates have also been altered due to the unprecedented situation.

    What is the "FrothBowl guarantee"?

    At FrothBowl we take pride in knowing are products are built to last in the harshest of environments. If you believe your item did not live up to the "FrothBowl guarantee" i.e  the product isn't strong enough for your chosen adventure or something simply just isn't right, feel free to flick us a message at and include any related pictures, comments you may have. Our customer service team will be more than happy to assist you!